
I am Kira Shoshana. Grown up in Hannover, Germany, currently living in Leipzig.

I spend the last years travelling and living mainly in India, learning, practising and teaching Yoga, Healing Massage, Singing Circles and Mantras and other beautiful tools for the process of unfolding, healing and transforming.

The Indian culture and its spirituality are very close to my heart and they changed my life on many levels I am deeply grateful for. I see myself as a bridge connecting the western and the eastern world.

Bringing together the beauty and colourfulness of different cultures and making the ancient Indian wisdom accessible to the rest of the world. That’s why I love to offer my work for My Palm Leaf, because it is very much in alignment with what I am here for.

To support people on their path towards themselves. Understanding their journey. Reconnecting with the roots and flying high. For a world full of joy, peace and love.

Book Reading